REBT Mindset Life Coach Certification (Accredited)

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SKU: EBDCC200 Category:
(12 customer reviews)
Product is rated as #1 in category REBT

What you’ll learn

  • Become a Rational Emotive Behavioral Coach and use REBT to empower your clients to take their power back
  • As a life coach, coach your clients to feel in control of themselves and their life
  • As a life coach, coach your clients to stop beating themselves up
  • As a life coach, coach your clients to be more optimistic and find the good in any situation
  • As a life coach, coach your clients to stop letting road blocks stand in the way of theirgoals and dreams
  • As a life coach, coach your clients to feel better in every day life
  • As a life coach, coach your clients to stop allowing fear of rejection to hold themback
  • As a life coach, coach your clients to do what they REALLY want to do, not what they “should”
  • As a life coach, coach your clients to overcome social anxiety, worry, sadness, anger, and stress
  • As a life coach, coach your clients to feel comfort with uncertainty so they can create the changes they want

Students who complete this course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 15 CPD or CEU credits are available upon request. Details for how to request the official certification and optional 15 CPD/CEU credits will be provided at the end of the course.


We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 700,000+ happy students from 200 countries.

We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.

The course also has a thriving Facebook networking group. 




Become a Certified Rational Emotive Behavioral Life Coach!

Do your clients have big goals and dreams but they feel like there’s always something standing in their way?

Do you want to empower them to go for what they REALLY want and stop holding themselves back?

Do they hold themselves back because they’re afraid of uncertainty or worried about what others will think?

Would you like to help people overcome overwhelm, stress, or worrying?

Do a lot of your clients seem to suffer from feelings of unworthiness?

Do you want to help them feel confident and happy in their everyday life?

Learn how to life coach your clients to empower their beliefs and take back control of their lives by becoming a Certified Rational Emotive Behavioral Life Coach!

As a life coach, you probably want nothing more than to see your clients reach their potential! You may have had the sneaky suspicion that your clients’  limiting beliefs and irrational thinking is what was holding them back, but until now you didn’t know what to do about it.

This course will help you guide your clients to finally feel in control of your destiny! You’ll show them how to stop trying to control other people or the outside world and instead to TAKE BACK THEIR POWER by learning how to direct their own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

The truth is that none of us were ever told that we have super powers because we each are the owners of the most powerful machine on the planet—the human mind! We have the ability to feel happiness, no matter what is happening around us. We have the ability to learn and change ANYTHING we want about ourselves. We have the ability to create the life we truly want, yes, even if right now it seems impossible.

We’ve just never been taught how to use this power!

This course is like a human mind owner’s manual! Learn how to unlock the power of the human mind so you can teach it to your clients!

Teach them the #1 most important thing they could ever understand about themselves, which is that their thoughts are what create their emotions.

Knowing this puts the power back in their hands because you’ll show them how to CHOOSE THEIR THOUGHTS, and by doing so they will be able to control their emotions.

The reason this is so important for you to know is that no matter how motivated and talented your clients are, this human mind of theirs is FLAWED. Without training, everybody’s thinking is extremely IRRATIONAL. Including yours!

The reason why is that inn our brain’s quest to interpret our world and keep us safe it misinterprets what’s happening, it makes false judgments, and it demands unreasonable things from ourselves, others, and life. Plus, after years of living around dysfunctional people we pick up their faulty belief systems.

And that’s why this course is so important! Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy is the foundation of modern psychology. The insights and techniques of REBT have unlocked human potential in the last century and are what ultimately differentiates those who are successful from those who are not. It’s also one of the most powerful tools to use as a life coach to help your clients rewire their faulty beliefs and rip the cause of their emotional pain out by the root!

Becoming an REBT Life Coach will give you the tools to help your clients avoid the ultimate form of failure, which is to reach their goals but still feel unfulfilled. 

<> In other word REBT takes what you may know about CBT to a whole new level.

Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. 

So who are we?

We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera. We’ve been studying, mastering, and teaching about the power of the mind for almost 20 years. We’re entrepreneurs and Life Coaches and we’ve worked with over 300,000+ students, Life Coaches and businesses from 195 countries. Everything we have ever taught or created has had these principles at its core. Our courses are all based on our educational background in psychology and education, as well as my background as a psychology instructor, my Master’s in Counseling and my research on happiness for my dissertation for my PH.D. in Psychology.   

The key to transforming your client’ lives is to unlock the power of their minds. We look forward to seeing you in the course.


Course Outline:

 Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1: Introduction to the Psychology of REBT

Lecture 2: What is REBT?

Lecture 3: REBT, A Psychology Human Empowerment Story

Lecture 4: History of the Psychology of REBT

Lecture 5: Differences Between REBT and CBT

Lecture 6: How to Use This Course



Section 2: Being an REBT LIFE COACH

Lecture 8: LIFE COACH: REBT Psychology LIFE Coaching Principles

Lecture 9: LIFE COACH: Structuring Your LIFE Coaching Package

Lecture 10: LIFE COACH: The Process of REBT LIFE Coaching

Lecture 11: Identify Problem Areas

Lecture 12: Homework


Section 3: Irrational Thinking: How the Mind Works

Lecture 13: Why We Think, Feel & Act How We Do

Lecture 14: We ALL Think Irrationally, Including YOU!

Lecture 15: RATIONAL: Irrational vs Rational Beliefs

Lecture 16: EMOTIVE: Unhealthy vs Healthy Negative Emotions PPT

Lecture 17: BEHAVIORAL: Unconstructive vs Constructive Behavior

Lecture 18: Intellectual vs Emotive Understanding

Lecture 19:3 Levels of Thinking


Section 4: Irrational Beliefs and Emotional Disturbances

Lecture 20: Playing by the Rules: 3 Core Beliefs

Lecture 21:2 Types of Emotional Disturbances

Lecture 22: Evaluative Thinking: 4 Dysfunctional Ways We Assign Meaning

Lecture 23: Must #1: Approval (I must be approved of by others to be worthy.)

Lecture 24: Must #2: Judgment (Others must do “the right thing” and meet my expectations)

Lecture 25: Must #3: Comfort (Life must be easy, without discomfort or inconvenience.)


 Section 5: Using REBT to Change Irrational Beliefs

Lecture 26: ABCDEF—The REBT Process for Changing Irrational Beliefs

Lecture 27: LIFE COACH: Using the ABCDEF Process with Clients

Lecture 28: Psychology of REBT: A-Activating Event

Lecture 29: Psychology of REBT: B-Beliefs

Lecture 30: Psychology of REBT: C-Consequences

Lecture 31: Psychology of REBT: D-Disputing, Part 1

Lecture 32: Psychology of REBT: D-Disputing, Part 2

Lecture 33: Psychology of REBT: E-New Effects

Lecture 34: Psychology of REBT: F-Further Action


 Section 6: Step 1 (A, B & C): Identifying Activating Events, Beliefs & Consequences

Lecture 35: Psychology of Recognizing Emotional Disturbances (REBT and CBT Techniques)


 Section 7: Step 2 (D): Disputing Irrational Thinking and Beliefs

Lecture 36: LIFE COACH: Methods of Disputing with Your Clients

Lecture 37: Psychology of Unconditional Acceptance

Lecture 38: Banish Approval-Seeking and Say No to SHOULD

Lecture 39: REBT and CBT Techniques: Socratic Questioning


 Section 8: Step 3 (D): Changing Your Perspective (Interference)

Lecture 40: Psychology of The Power of Perspective (REBT and CBT Techniques)

Lecture 41: Psychology of Reframing Negative Situations (REBT and CBT Techniques)

Lecture 42: Psychology of Positive Thinking and Affirmations (REBT and CBT Techniques)


Section 9: Step 4 (D): Changing the Meaning You Assign (Evaluations)

Lecture 43: Psychology of Changing Your Evaluative Thinking

Lecture 44: Psychology of Turning Demands into Preferences

Lecture 45: Psychology of Embracing Uncertainty

Lecture 46: REBT and CBT Techniques: Psychology of Decatastrophizing (Overcome Worry)

Lecture 47: LIFE COACH: Time Projections Technique (REBT and CBT Techniques)

Lecture 48: LIFE COACH: Catastrophe Scale Technique (REBT and CBT Techniques)

Lecture 49: LIFE COACH: Blow Up Technique (REBT and CBT Techniques)

Lecture 50: LIFE COACH: Double Standard Technique (REBT and CBT Techniques)


 Section 10: Step 5 (D): Changing Underlying Beliefs

Lecture 51: Challenging Irrational Core Beliefs

Lecture 52: Changing Negative Beliefs into Positive Ones

Lecture 53: The Devil’s Advocate


 Section 11: Step 6 (E & F): Deterring the Desired Effect, Taking Action & Creating Change

Lecture 54: Identifying What You Really Want

Lecture 55: Pain Pleasure Principle

Lecture 56: LIFE COACH: Exposure Techniques(REBT and CBT Techniques)

Lecture 57: LIFE COACH: Paradoxical Behavior Techniques (REBT and CBT Techniques)

Lecture 58: LIFE COACH: Postponing Gratification Technique (REBT and CBT Techniques)

Lecture 59: LIFE COACH: Stepping Out of Character Technique (REBT and CBT Techniques)

Lecture 60: LIFE COACH: Risk Taking Technique (REBT and CBT Techniques)


 Section 12: Next Steps

Lecture 61: Conclusion and Next Steps

Copyright ©️ Transformation Services, Inc. | All Rights Reserved

Who this course is for:

  • Life coaches, teachers, therapists, counselors or anyone who wants to help others learn how to use their most powerful tool—their mind
  • Anyone who wants to help clients or students stop feeling out of control of their thoughts, emotions, or reactions
  • Anyone who wants to help others stop holding themselves back from living their dreams
  • Anyone who wants to help others reach their potential, be happy, or create success in life

12 reviews for REBT Mindset Life Coach Certification (Accredited)

4.7 out of 5
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  1. Tameka Flemming

    I learned some new things and was confirm in many ways I already processed and thought about the. Reassured me that I’m on the right track. The videos were very thorough and broken up into bite size pieces, which made it much easier comprehend. It also makes it easier to go back to specific sections.

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  2. Patricia Herlevi

    This the second coaching class I’ve taken with Natalie and Joel. I appreciate the way the material is organized and presented. And the workbook is an asset too.

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  3. Gan Ming Kuang

    It was very basic. Not practical examples on how to apply the skills taught. Even a short few mins will suffice but nothing.

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  4. Donna Fitzgerald

    Yes, I have a psychology degree and coaching qualification so this will be very helpful for upskilling and employment!

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  5. Laura Lisak

    Amazing in-depth course. I have Masters degree in counseling and this class explained REBT better than my college.

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  6. Megan Faver

    I am learning a lot about myself, which will in turn help with with clients. I love how detailed and broke down the steps are

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  7. Julia Lynn Smith

    For some reason Udemy wouldn’t remember places I left off in the videos on my mobile app. Worked great with desktop and I could just open course and begin playing from where I last left off, but I’m mobile app sometimes Udemy would start playing from beginning of video or even two videos back and wouldn’t remember what I had completed.

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  8. Lisa

    I am thoroughly enjoying this course. Learning about myself and how I can help others in a way that is easy to understand and allows for change to happen.

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  9. Sascha Maiworm

    This course was very insightful. Although I would need to to work through it step by step to apply the knowledge professionally, the value of what we can do to help our fellow humans around us is immeasurable. Thank you to the Rivera’s

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  10. Aromal Satjayababu

    This course is like a manual for human mind. The various techniques helps us to identify the core beliefs that are we are unaware of due to being stored in our subconscious mind, distinguish between rational and irrational thoughts, and the steps to identify, analyse, disrupt unproductive thoughts and get our desired effect.
    Thanks and Gratitude

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  11. Cheryl Martinez-Bryant

    Sadly, the intro was frozen. I continued to the next section and all was well again. So far, great content This is in alignment with Dr .Debbie Joffe Ellis on Seton University. I love the way the two of you present the content Thank you!

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  12. Alka Howard

    Fantastic course jam packed with tons of valuable material. I highly recommend it and feel that its worth its weight in gold!

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    REBT Mindset Life Coach Certification (Accredited)
    REBT Mindset Life Coach Certification (Accredited)

    Original price was: $129.99.Current price is: $24.99.

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