How To Reprogram Your Mind In 60 Seconds or Less
What you’ll learn
In this course you will learn how to protect your mind from bad reprogramming and finally, it shows you how to reprogram your mind for success.
By the end of this course you will be able to Reprogram your mind for continued success
This course is completely different from others; it teaches you how to reset your mind using powerful visualization techniques and reprogram it for success
It enables you to lose your worries, cure depressions, forget stress and reboot your mind to the right programming.
Removes all negative thoughts that damages your mind and replaces them with good strong positive thoughts.
Then it teaches you how to protect your mind from bad programming and finally, it shows you how to reprogram your mind for success in your life.
All of this can happen in less than 60 Seconds or Less. You will have to continue with this method for a while but it soon clicks in and will become second nature to you.
Here is course videos.
1. Introduction
2. How does your mind get programmed negatively?
3. How to use the power of creative visualization
4. Remove the viruses from your mind
5. Install anti-virus software in your mind permanently
6. Program your mind for success
7. Course summary with bonus exercise.
Who this course is for:
- This course is useful for people who have the will power and zeal to become more successful in their life by removing past failure memories and negative programming from their mind permanently.
- This course is also very useful for fresh college grads and students who are venturing into new opportunities and challenges in their life and want to program their mind to face these challenges and changes in their life.
- This course is for those who are always surrounded by negative people and negativity and want to shield themselves from their negative energy which hinders their success.
12 reviews for How To Reprogram Your Mind In 60 Seconds or Less
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Original price was: $84.99.$14.99Current price is: $14.99.
Eva Finn –
I am a big fan of Pradeep’s courses. No fluff, no hocus pocus; you don’t need to believe in it, it just works. It’s a great way to get rid of the bs that need to be special to have psychic powers – You just need to be human, this is part of our make up and if you doubt that Pradeep’s courses will show you the way. I highly recommend this course, this is one of the best. After the different exercises I feel relaxed, grounded, serene. Thank you!
Maria Elena Martin Berenguer –
Las técnicas propuestas no son nuevas pero no requieren demasiado tiempo de preparación o meditación. Me gusta porque puedo incluirlo fácilmente en mis rutinas diarias sin demasiado esfuerzo. Con la práctica supongo que vendrán los resultados. Muchas gracias por este curso, lo recomiendo
Teresa –
and just as important as my daily shower. It makes a huge difference to how I feel and act.
Pamela Fay –
I really like this course and will use it regularly on myself and with my clients. The exercises are powerful and easy to do. They are also exercises that can easily be learned and practiced without the video guidance.
Bob jenkin –
This is …Ok. But it is light and and frankly I felt a bit cheated by the lack of content. There are some great and important messages in here and the author has a lot to give but this seems like a mean offering.
Scott Nottmeier –
I really like the NLP techniques exercises and believe this would work for anyone. I will use this daily to re-set the mind that like in all people has past limiting beliefs and cleat some of my past negative memories. I will buy more of his classes.
Carolyn Green –
I’m just starting no real evidence that the technique works. Thank you.
Antony Martiniani Shinomiya –
Excellent! Truly helpful and very relaxing.
Laura –
Short and precise and seems very effective!
Gautham M –
Pradeep sir is very knowledgeable and wise. So far, the program is quite good.
If sir, ever comes to Chennai, would love to have a private session with him.
Elif Duman –
ı’m sorry but so bad!
Rebecca –
Great course. Will use it.