German B1 – Intermediate German
What you’ll learn
After this B1 course you will know all B1 German Grammar.
Zukunft im Präsens
Zeitangaben – Zukunft
Kausale Konjunktionaladverbien
Artikelwort “Welch-“
Artikelwort “Irgendein-“
Als ob
The Verb “Brauchen” And It´s Correct Usage
The Word “nämlich”
Subclauses With “dass”
Adjektivendung -bar
Difference Between “von” and “aus”
The Verb lassen” and It´s Correct Usage
unpersönliche Ausdrücke
Klassen der unregelmäßigen Verben
Genitiv Possessivartikel
Demonstrativpronomen Genitiv
“indem” and sodass”
Konzessive Sätze
Modalverben und ihre Bedeutung
Indirekte Fragen
Werden – Veränderung
weil – da – denn
Konjunktiv II – irreale Wünsche
Konjunktiv II – Wunschsätze
Konjunktiv II – Modalverben
The Word “falls”
Verben mit Infinitiv
Präfix -un
Verben mit Präpositionalobjekt
Temporale Nebensätze
Passiv im Nebensatz
Passiv ohne Subjekt
Passiv im Perfekt
Passiv im Präteritum
Passiv im Plusquamperfekt
Adjektive als Nomen
Mehrteilige Konjunktionen
Partizip II als Substantiv
German Idioms
German Educational System
German Celebrations
German Culture (Food, Places, Virtues)
Tips On How To Learn A Language More Efficiently
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Learn German B1 Level From An Experienced German Teacher!
The course will start by introducing you to probably the easiest part of the B1 German grammar and work your way up to learning more intermediate German Grammar & the German Culture.
Apart from the 79 grammar lectures, this course also includes 5 videos about German idioms. German culture, the German Educational System, German celebrations as well as valuable tips on how to learn languages more efficiently. This course also includes one video which will show and prepare you for the speaking part of the B1 German language certification.
You will also find a PDF file with homework attached to each chapter. For special offers follow me on fb: @yourkeytogermany
Become Competent In German B1 Grammar
Learn More About the German Culture Like Food, Celebrations, Places to Visit
Learn About The German Educational System
Get Valuable Tips On How To Learn German More Efficiently
Learn Common German Idioms
You will learn the following:
Zukunft im Präsens | Zeitangaben – Zukunft | Modalpartikel | Kausale Konjunktionaladverbien | Kausaladverbien | Artikelwort “Welch-“| Artikelwort “Irgendein-” | Als ob | The Verb “Brauchen” And It´s Correct Usage | Konjunktionen | The Word “nämlich” | Pronomen | Subclauses With “dass” | Adjektivendung -bar | Finalangaben | Difference Between “von” and “aus” | The Verb lassen” and It´s Correct Usage | unpersönliche Ausdrücke | Klassen der unregelmäßigen Verben | Genitiv | Genitiv Possessivartikel | Demonstrativpronomen Genitiv | “indem” and sodass” | Adjektivdeklination | Konzessive Sätze | Modalverben und ihre Bedeutung | Direktionaladverbien | Perfekt | Modalangaben | Indirekte Fragen | Konditionalsätze | Infinitivsätze | Komposita | Präteritum | Plusquamperfekt | Werden – Veränderung | weil – da – denn | Konjunktiv II – irreale Wünsche | Konjunktiv II – Wunschsätze | Konjunktiv II – Modalverben | The Word “falls” | Verben mit Infinitiv | Präfix un- | Präpositionaladverbien | Verben mit Präpositionalobjekt | Relativpronomen | Temporale Nebensätze | Vorgangspassiv | Passiv im Nebensatz | Passiv ohne Subjekt | Passiv im Perfekt | Passiv im Präteritum | Passiv im Plusquamperfekt | Adjektive als Nomen | Adjektiv-Kombination | Mehrteilige Konjunktionen | Modaladverbien | Partizip II als Substantiv
German Idioms | German Educational System | German Celebrations | German Culture (Food, Places, Virtues)
Tips On How To Learn A Language More Efficiently
If you are not familiar with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; here is a brief overview:
A1 – Complete beginner
A2 – Elementary
B1 – Intermediate
B2 – Upper intermediate
C1 – Advanced
C2 – Proficient
I hope you join me inside the course & have you as one of my students.
Join my course now!
Who this course is for:
- This course is for everyone who would like to improve his/her German skills and become intermediate in German.
12 reviews for German B1 – Intermediate German
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Original price was: $99.99.$17.99Current price is: $17.99.
Ivan Marinov –
Cuts are missing. There is a video when it’s started twice because of a sneeze. Easy to cut out first 10 seconds. Some slides overlaps head-video and has unreadable parts. Some slides has typos. Content otherwise is dense and good.
Jekaterina Borodina –
Die Erklärungen sind sehr toll, aber die Ubungen sind nicht für den Unterricht beziehen sich jedoch nicht auf das Thema des Unterrichts
Rayan Mendis –
well it helped me to brush my knowledge about Germany and German language. Thank you.
Liesl M –
This class was EXACTLY what we were looking for!! My homeschooled daughter is 16 and she has a great vocabulary. She can speak and read German on a basic level, but she needed work on her grammar. We love the short, clear lessons. Julia has a great sense of humor and makes learning German fun! We are SO grateful for this amazing course and quickly went on to purchase all of Julia’s other courses including the A2 for my younger daughter (age 13). P.S. The notes are really helpful and the exercises work well for us! We also have enjoyed the cultural information you included. Thank you, Julia!
Sb –
I love that the lessons are not too long, so it’s easier to stay focused. Everything is patiently explained, easy to understand, and I love the aesthetics of the presentations.
It’s taking me quite some time to get through the course, but that’s only due to my own laziness. Aside from that, I do feel that I’ve learned a lot, and I’m not so scared of speaking German anymore! Thank you, Julia! If there’s ever a B2, I’d be more than happy to buy it! 🙂
Edit: I’ve just seen there is a B2! Will definitely buy it after I finish this course.
Nazim Suleymanov –
Es wäre besser, wenn es völlig auf Deutsch ist.
Himal Puri –
It was clear. You are great in explaining everything clearly. Thank you
Michael Haile –
because she explains only in english not in germany.
Mai Elgendy –
I’d like to hear german more than english
Carsten Barrett –
The quality of the course was good, the teacher was very knowledgeable and these resources were also very good. There were some English errors and some online resources were not available. I feel to be expert in the grammar I would have to do the course a few times. I liked the English backup because it verified what I was thinking. However there were a couple of lessons with no English where I was a bit lost for instance 92 Endprüfung. I have already bought the B2 course and am looking forwards to starting it.
Cem Karataş –
The duration of the videos is really ideal for me. Especially, if you want to revise what you have learned on the course( I also go to a German Course in my country) or you want to revise something that you want to remember.
vikram maruvada –
Ich hatte viel Spaß mit ihnen deutsch zulernen. Sie haben mir sehr helfen mit diesem kurz. Ob jemand mich fragen wer meine deutsch Lehrerin ist, ich wurde Diener Name sagen. Viele danke and Verzeihung fur Miene Fehler.