Flips & Kicks! A Beginners Guide to Martialarts Acrobatics
What you’ll learn
You`ll learn what Tricking and Martial Arts Acrobatics is and what elements it consists of
You`ll learn how to warm up your whole body to avoid injuries
You`ll learn a lot of different warming up exercises for each part of the body
You`ll know how to do the basic kicks and become super flexible
You will be able to do your first flips with having full control of your body
You`ll learn how to train safe while still making fast progress
You`ll learn how to combine different tricks and do your first Tricking-Combo`s
You`ll learn everything important to have a perfect basis to learn more advanced tricks
This online Tricking course will teach you really cool tricks and acrobatic moves! You will learn the basics of kicking, flipping and twisting!
- “Well explained beginner moves! Great addition to one´s own M.A. practice!” (Harry)
- “A great start to your Tricking journey! Covers everything you need- not just the basic skills themselves, but also the theoretical background of the discipline.As a tricking coach, I’ve found this very helpful and I’m planning to use a lot of the tips with my students. Thank you Tom for sharing!” (Dimitris)
- “Moves are broken down into steps which makes progress faster. Love it.” (Azhar)
Wether you are an experienced martial artist or acrobat who just wants to add more skills to his repertoire or a complete beginner – you are going to learn everything to get started in Tricking!
Master the Tricking 101 Course and you will have the perfect foundation and knowledge to learn more advanced acrobatic skills.
While there are plenty of tutorials out there that show how to learn Tricking, it is difficult to find a comprehensive beginner course like this one. Particularly for those with no experience it is hard because there are so many different methods and you can easily get confused. This course offers a safe and efficient guideline to learn step by step. In addition to the main technical aspects of how to start correctly with kicking, flipping and twisting it also covers further information about warming-up and interesting background infos.
Course Bonuses
- All the tutorials and lessons are built upon each other and everything comes from one source
- Direct feedback and help from me your instructor…if you get stuck just ask!
- Perfect basis to continue with the Tricking using the my other courses
The key things you will learn
- Background information about Martial Arts Acrobatics and Tricking
- Knowing where Tricking originates from and of what it consists of
- A full body warm-up covering all the important exercises
- Knowing the right exercises for each part of the body
- Knowing when and why to do the right exercises
- Knowing how to train safe and efficiently in order to avoid injuries
- Applying techniques which will help you to move correctly and safe
- Mastering the first basic flips
- Mastering the basic kicks
- Combining the new tricks into “combo`s” to apply the freshly learned tricks
- Having a solid repertoire and everything you need for your first tricking session
Contents and Overview
This course starts from the beginning and first you will get to know a few background informations about Tricking and Martial Arts Acrobatics. You learn about what this interesting sport actually is, where it comes from and what elements it consists of.
The before starting out with the actual flipping-stuff you learn how to correctly prepare your body for the practice of the different motions. This is super important and something most trickers neglect in their practice. You learn different exercises for each part of your body all covered in a full time warm-up. Because there are many exercises it is more of a whole pot of ideas – and you can take what you like!
Once you know about Tricking and know how to warm-up you can dive into the main part of this course – the tricks! You`ll learn how to do your first basic kicks and acrobatics. From there it continues step by step with more tricks – always mixed between kicking and flipping techniques. They do all build upon each other and you just follow the lessons.
At the end when you have mastered all the tricks and feel confident about them you are ready for a little challenge. With the freshly learned tricks you try to combine them to different “combo`s”. Doing the first combo`s in Tricking is a big step and definitely gets you into the game. It`s a lot of fun and you can either try to copy some sample combo`s I`ve prepared for you or start creating your own!
If you want to start Tricking or upgrade your present training, this course is for you!
Remember it is a free course so no need for hesitation and start your Tricking career today! Try it out and see if you enjoy the course (i hope so) and have fun!
(Disclaimer Notice: In order to perform the exercises effectively and safely you should be in good physical condition prior to beginning the course. By registering for the course or performing these exercises you understand that exercising can lead to physical injury. If you engage in any exercise suggested by Thomas Inauen, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Thomas Inauen from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown arising out of Thomas Inauen`s negligence.)
Who this course is for:
- Everyone who ever wanted to do some sort of Martial Arts and Acrobatic movements but never really knew how to start correctly.
- Trickers, Martial Artists, Acrobats, Artists, Fitness & Training Enthusiasts, Dancers, Stuntmen, Traceurs and Freerunners,
12 reviews for Flips & Kicks! A Beginners Guide to Martialarts Acrobatics
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Original price was: $39.99.$14.99Current price is: $14.99.
Jorge Rubio –
Excelente, si pudiera poner mas opciones de subtitulos en otros idiomas sería perfecto.
Harry Trautmann –
Well explained beginner moves! Great addition to one´s own M.A. practice!
Claudia N –
It has really good explanations. The videos show every step of the motions/kicks and how to connect each of them into the final trick. I love it! Awesome course 🙂
Wijuck Jitpakdi –
Clear, concise and step by step instructions.
Great job.
Wilson Rangel –
Tom Inauen é bem experiente e carismático, gostei do curso, já tenho experiência em artes marciais mas deu uma boa base para dois tipos de saltos que não sabia muito bem e isso me ajudará em outros saltos também.
Muito Obrigado Tom.
Alberto Morais Pinto da Fonseca –
O instrutor demonstra conhecimento teórico técnico e prático, além de expor o conteúdo de maneira empolgante e utilizar diversos tipos de recursos pedagógicos.
Superou e muito minhas expectativas pra um curso básico.
Acredito talvez que caberia (apenas com a finalidade de enriquecer o curso) incluir algum material teórico sobre corporeidade.
Mas foi incrível obrigado Tom
Simone Marini –
It was good to take this course, even if I already knew this techniques it was a good review
Anthony ‘Paul’ Dawdy –
This course was amazing, I am so impressed by the progressions, there are things here I never would have thought myself capable of even trying, but now I want to go do them.
Do this course, you will love it!
Themis Koutras –
I have been practicing many arts in self defense from as young as i can remember now at 53 still at it i also have done little acrobats but not much acrobats in self defense there are 2 ways 1 is simple direct attack and defense the other is opposed as hard ways of technique i am a master in many arts and have my own art only in the simple and direct attack and defense i do not know much about the other acrobatic version of the hard way of techniques so i can not comment on that one but i gave you 5 star rated for the acrobats gymnastics its use of fitness strength flexibility not in self defense because i do not know much on that side of defense and attack well done that was a pleasant experience for you to take time to show us and steep by steep instructions i remember when i 1st done cart wheels i had no teacher so i went straight to it it can be difficult that way so it is good to know it steep by steep to learn it that way is better thank you
Gregorio Balzi –
Corso adatto solo a principianti, l’ho seguito nonostante insegno anche io acrobatica, per vedere nuovi metodi di insegnamento, su alcune lezioni offre esercizi ottimali, in altre si perde in passaggi inutili a mio avviso, consigliato comunque per chi vuole avvicinarsi all’acrobatica.
Adrian Lee –
Antonio Diaz –
Love it