Forget Google; Bing Pay-Per-Click Advertising Traffic Course

- 82%

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SKU: BD972DF9 Category:
(10 customer reviews)
Product is rated as #3 in category Bing Ads

What you’ll learn

  • How to uncover on your own what exactly your customers are searching for
  • How to place your ads right in front of your potential customers at the exact moment when they are searching for a solution
  • How to create short, highly effective ads that attract more customers yet cost you less than your competitors
  • How to ‘turn on the tap’ and generate traffic on demand to your business

So you’re in business and you need more sales? Who doesn’t?! 😉

Regardless if you’re in business for yourself or you’re a commission-based agent selling someone else’s products or services, you need people looking at what you have to offer.

And lots of it. Especially people who are already looking for a solution.

Stop paying Google an arm or a leg.

If you haven’t already tried Google, know that you’ll likely pay through your nose for any decent amount of traffic. Chances are, you’ll bleed to death even before you turn a profit!

The good news is, you can still get high quality, laser targeted traffic on demand … at a fraction of the costwith BING!

You’re in good hands.

In this step-by-simple-step Bing Advertising Training, I’ll show you how you can set up highly effective ads, place them in front of your ideal customer, and have non-stop automated traffic come knocking on YOUR door.

Say goodbye to expensive, Google ads … and say hello to hungry, ready-to-buy customers!

Who this course is for:

  • Business owners who would love to generate more leads/enquiries/sales
  • Don’t have your own product/service? You can still apply what you learn here to promote other people’s products/services (i.e. affiliate marketing)

10 reviews for Forget Google; Bing Pay-Per-Click Advertising Traffic Course

3.9 out of 5
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  1. Pam Smith

    Great introduction course to Bing Ads. Instructor is knowledgeable and is able to teach in a way that makes his lectures easy to understand.

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  2. Ted

    Good basic course with some very good points. A bit too basic at the start, but that is okay, there are people who will need it. The narrator should probably speak a bit slower due to his accent. Otherwise – very helpful and a VERY fair price. Thank yoU!

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  3. Frank McLoughlin

    This course delivers what it says it will. I found the I instructor engaging and he clearly articulates the subject matter. He is evidently knowledgeable on the subject matter and has a superior grasp of the English language (better than most native English speakers). Very good value for money, in my opinion.

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    Good. He treats the basics in a straightforward manner, in logical sequence, with enough detail to get someone going. I think it was exactly what I needed.

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  5. Sylvie Deneault

    This course contains good elements and will be useful to me, but definitely needs to be refreshed since it’s done with the older version of Bing interface, for that, I could not follow along and/or was not able to do/find a few key elements.

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  6. Tabitha Tao

    I was hoping to learn the big difference between Bing vs Google Adwords as I am quite familiar with Google AdWords. This course is more for entry level.I would like to know what’s the difference between Google & Bing..

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  7. Grant Miller

    The course was overall pretty good. But there was little mention of the recommended number of keywords or how to set up broad match, exact match, and phrase match. That’s the primary reason I bought the course.

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  8. Anton Gunasingam

    The instructor explains things clearly, but the course is extremely basic. It’s ideal for someone who knows absolutely nothing about PPC.

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  9. Rahul Mukherjee

    hey nice course but would have given a full rating if you had touched a few more important topics like 1) search term review 2) negative keyword review 3) quality score 4) generating reports 5) remarketing ads

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  10. AE L

    Instructor gets right down to business. Presents in easy to digest bits of info so it’s easy to go back and rewatch a segment.

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    Forget Google; Bing Pay-Per-Click Advertising Traffic Course
    Forget Google; Bing Pay-Per-Click Advertising Traffic Course

    Original price was: $84.99.Current price is: $14.99.

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